Let me tell you. NOVA, the 英会話 (= eikawa = English conversation…yes I’m showing off because I’ve just learned how to use—intentionally—Japanese script on my computer) company I work for is now insolvent and about to collapse. It all started earlier this year with the media reporting (not falsely) that there had been a huge number of student complaints since last year about not being able to book lessons as easily as sales staff had promised them. Consequently, a lot of students quit and demanded refunds. NOVA said they were not entitled to a refund—and so it went to court. The court ruled in favour of the ex-students and NOVA was forced to pay up. Not long after that NOVA was again back in the courts. Why? Two reasons: they were being sued for (1) the dishonest way in which they calculated some of the refunds and (2) in some cases ignoring the earlier court ruling and giving no refund at all. Then the government stepped in and penalized NOVA by ordering a partial suspension of operations. Since June NOVA has not been allowed to sign-up any new students for packages of more than one year. So expenditures have soared while revenue has dried up. NOVA has stopped making scheduled bank payments. They have stopped paying rent for schools. They have stopped paying rent for instructor accommodation (resulting in a lot of instructors being evicted from their apartments, in some cases with less than a week’s notice). They were late in paying the Japanese staff a couple months running. Then last month they were late paying teachers (while the Japanese staff got nothing). They were of course late again this month. And so now, according to some, I’m eligible to collect unemployment insurance. I just have to wait for the company to officially go bankrupt. According to others, I can quit now and still be eligible for UI because it’s the second month they’ve been late with my pay. That’s the problem. There’s so much conflicting information out there I don’t really know what to do. So now I’m on unpaid leave and am just kind of waiting around for some kind of resolution. In a word: it SUX. Whatever happens I’ve decided to give English teaching a rest.
What’s next?
Farm stays. Obviously. It’s like this: I travel around Japan, living and working with Japanese farming families. I harvest some rice here, pick some radishes there, and maybe even herd a bit of Kobe beef. It has ADVENTURE written all over it. Plus it’s a good opportunity to take my Nihongo to the next level. Which after three years has yet to advance beyond BEGINNER, owing to my lousy job of “teaching” English all day, everyday.
Anyway, that’s enough ranting for one post. Time for something more pleasant:
That's me with my girlfriend, Emiko. We've been together for about four months now. Yes, a lot has happened since last December...
Anyway, in August, about a week after my birthday, we flew to Okinawa for three glorious days.
Day I
'Twas an onimous start. This is the scene that greeted us at Okinawa's airport. This plane had exploded upon landing just the day before. Amazingly, if memory serves me correctly, there were few, if any, casualties.
Emiko's friend met us at the airport and then drove us around so that we could see a few of the sights. Our first stop was Ryuku Village. It's a place where you can get a taste of what life was like in Okinawa, in the old days before the Japanese took it over. No, that is not Emiko's friend in the photo with us. Whoever she is, she got skills!
That's Emiko's friend. Her name's Akiko. Unfortunately, here in this photo she looks mentally handicapped.
The habu centre! Snake centre in layman's terms.
I didn't even know they had mongooses in Japan.
The local brew: Orion. 'Tweren't half bad, let me tell you.
Our second day in Okinawa was a sombre affair. Not that we didn't enjoy ourselves. It's just that the places we went to were all about WWII and the battle of Okinawa.
Our first stop was to the Himeyuri War Memorial and the Himeyuri Peace Museum. Both were built in honour of 194 schoolgirls and 17 teachers who served as nurses assistants during some of the most intense fighting. Only five survived.
Final stop:
Emiko attempting her first sand castle
Me showing her how it's done.
This is where the sand castle picture should be but...well, let's just say that Emiko was not impressed with my sand castle constructing ability.
congratulations! (is this what people say when their friends get a partner?..haha) :)
me love the pictures :) i like the one with the hat, and i wonder what sake tastes like.. hmm. and of course, the sunset pictures just look so... nice :)
take care~ :)
Great Pics Eyechan and Emiko is lovely. Cheers!!
hey bitch. heaps funny blog. well done! my favourite picture is the one with the 3d goggles, heaps funny! or the array of pictures with you guys and the japanese guitars. really funny again.
i want to go to japan it looks like so much fun!
Emiko seems heaps nice. shes pretty and looks like fun. big props to her.
Anywho see you on the 22nd.
bye xxxxxxxxxx
ha ha i just noticed that i said the words fun/funny 5 times.
ms: yes "congratulations" is A-OK! sake tastes just fine but if you drink too much of it (as I did last night) you get a very nasty hangover (like the one I had today).
thanks for your kind comments! can't wait for you next story/poem!
matt-man: as the Japanese would say: san q belli muchi! and speaking of pics, love your new profile pic. politically incorrect but very funny.
Gem: sup biznitch. yep you over did it a bit there with fun/funny. but don't worry, i still luv ya! can't wait to get home. so who's picking me up from the airport?
(Click Click Click) That's the sound of me clicking my heels together and saying, "There's no place like being in Eyechan's shoes. There's no place like being in Eyechan's shoes" You've seen the Wizard of Oz right? Alright, I'm not THAT jealous, but herding kobe beef and picking radishes sounds a lot more fun than fussing at children all day. Good luck with the job thing man. That's some shady, shitty business going on there!
Hey...An awful lot has gone on with you huh? Well, wow. I'm sorry to hear that your employment as a teacher is over but I'm happy that you met someone that looks so nice and happy!!! Good for you!
Great pics(except for the snakes in alchohol, omg!) and thanks for sharing them...It's beautiful there!
Paz: of course i know it. after all, i am the wizard FROM Oz. well not really a wizard...more like a refugee.
Odat: it's been a crazy year and it's not over yet. cheers!
You are the man brotha. You already know that i share my brother Paz's envy. Our planned trip to Japan has been postponed due to babies being born and girlfriends moving in, etc..
But you are definitely the man.
Save me some sake!
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